Traditional indicators like Relative Strength Index (RSI) or moving averages are simplistic and prone to inaccuracies.
You need something more current and complex to navigate the markets. We have compiled over 80 professional trading systems used by the best minds in Finance.
Know the Performance before you Invest
With Ultra Systems there is no need to trade on an idea without knowing it's historical Performance.
Now you can Invest with Confidence!
Sort the systems by risk, performance, or frequency of trading so you know what to expect
Tired of watching charts and guessing when to buy or sell?
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No more expensive software purchases, hours of coding, or endless spreadsheet research. It has all been done for you right here!
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Revolutionizing Trading
Ultra Systems is the first trading software that allows unlimited combinations of Systems to create the Ultimate Trading Strategy.
No other Trading Software has this capability.
With Ultra Systems you leverage the strengths of multiple indicators and systems, significantly improving your trading strategy's effectiveness providing an immediate evaluation of their combined performance and risk.
Tailored Subscription Services for Every Investor
Silver Subscription: If you are too busy use one of the Ultra Composites that meets your investment criteria.
Gold Subscription: For the DIY. See if you can create a better strategy then the already created Ultra Composites
Platinum Subscription: For investors seeking personalized trading strategies, we will help you create your own Investment Strategy or take your current trading strategy and turn it into a finely tuned signal, which updates daily.
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